Friday, October 12, 2018

Manspreading is Necessary, But Some Men Go Overboard

Look. I get it. It can be irritating to sit next to a guy who has his legs spread eagle. I don't dispute that some men take it to extremes just to be jerks.

But seriously, ladies, men have testicles, and they get sweaty and sticky. Imagine the worst boob sweat you've ever had, but your boobs are pressed between 2 warm vices. Would you not be eager to release the vices and let your breasts breathe? The fact is, if testicles get too warm, sperm die. That's a verifiable medical fact.

That's exactly what most men are doing when they spread their legs out a bit, especially on a hot or humid day. Some men take it to an extreme just to be jerks. But don't just assume, because a man is spreading his legs, he must be a sexist jerk. Doing so isn't just a micro-aggression, it is actual aggression.

There's an easy way to tell if a man is being a jerk. If you gesture to sit next to him, and he keeps his legs full spread, he's being a jerk. On the other hand, if he pulls them in a bit and invites you to sit, he's being polite. Don't expect him to close his legs completely, but he'll reel them in some for your comfort.

I'm certainly glad women are speaking up about this. I doubt most men even know it's an irritation for women. But I'm concerned that, in their haste to do something, they'll accost men who are genuinely just trying to alleviate their sweaty balls.

Let's all just stop being assholes to each other.

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